18 January: Marije's drawing 'Twisted trunk'was chosen as the winner of Drawing of the Year 2019! click here for the jury report. The exhibition is on display until 16 February 2020 at Kunstzaal van Heijningen, Noordeinde 152 in The Hague.
29 November: Marije's painting 'Cohesion I' has been chosen for the final exhibition of Painting of the Year 2019 , and her drawing 'Twisted trunk' has been chosen for the final exhibition of Drawing of the Year 2019
21 November: ‘IK LAAT ZIEN WAT ME ONTROERT’ 'I PAINT WHAT MOVES ME' interview in the ACtueel, 21 November 2019. Click here for the interview (in Dutch)
7 November: Marije joined Artist's Society Sint Lucas, Amsterdam
31 October: Article in Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad
3 June: 'Resilience I' is nominated for the Dutch Portrait Award (De Nederlandse Portretprijs).
2017: Interview with Marije about art and philosophy by Mark Johnston of the Painted Porch Podcast. click here for the episode
2015: Click here for the text (in Dutch) by writer and philosopher Klaas Rozemond about Marije's exhibition Human-Nature
2014: Video with Marije in tv-programme 'Sterren op het Doek' (Stars on Canvas) with Joop van den Ende can be seen here